The Korean Relaxation is still considered an undiscovered technique; it is closely linked with their culture and is most likely connected with the Chinese tradition.
This relaxation method is practised in several Asian countries, including China, Japan, and Korea. The practitioners of this technique all use the same movements where they work on the floor starting from feet to head and working in the present moment, "here and now". On the other hand, everyone practises according to his own temperament, his own culture.
In France, this method was introduced by Jean Bernard Rishi in the 70's. In Japan, it has been used through a strict style in the Zen monasteries in order to regulate the practitioners' emotional tensions. In Korea, it is practised in the family for the well-being and it belongs to traditional therapy, like Qi Gong.
People lie on the floor and the Korean Relaxation allows them, thanks to soft mobilization and stretching movements, to feel a very deep physical and mental relaxation. It specifically comes from using different sorts of vibration, spreading relaxation waves throughout the body. Each part of the body is carefully and tactfully mobilized through moving rhythms, building a unity.

Concerning the corporeal point, the Korean Relaxation allows a releasing of the breath, a freeing of the joints, a stretching of several parts of the body (muscles, fascia and tendons), a stimulation of the meridians, a releasing of muscular tension, a better flow of blood, promoting elimination, a feeling of lightness, a sensation of cleanliness etc. The receiver benefits directly and this sensation may go on several weeks after the session depending on how receptive the client is.
Compared to Traditional Thai Massage it is made of a more feminine energy. It allows you to live in a deep relaxed condition, enabling you to get in touch with your intuition and sensitivity. Making the communication easer with yourself and other people in the giving and the receiving, it contributes to the development of the individual. Finally, it integrates perfectly with other methods (massage, gymnastic). In a context of healing, such as a physiotherapy session or Reiki, Korean Relaxation will allow the body to be completely at ease and therefore open for any treatment.